Revisiting Nevermind and In Utero

The Cobain 50
Dusty Henry, Martin Douglas, and Albina Cabrera share a tale of two albums — one polished, one gritty — including the music's impact on them personally and across the world.

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During KEXP's fall fund drive, we're celebrating the 33rd anniversary of Nirvana's Nevermind and the 31st anniversary of In Utero. Dusty Henry, Martin Douglas, and Albina Cabrera share a tale of two albums — one polished, one gritty — including the music's impact on them personally and across the world. 

Hosts: Dusty Henry and Martin Douglas
Special thanks: Albina Cabrera, host of El Cancionero de Kurt
Audio producer: Roddy Nikpour
Podcast manager: Isabel Khalili
Editorial director: Larry Mizell Jr. 

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00:00: Intro
03:19: A reflection on the concept of ranking albums
07:21: MTV and Nirvana at the center of a youth movement
10:06: Nevermind as the gateway to Nirvana
14:22: "Smells Like Teen Spirit" changed everything
20:41: Nevermind shows us Kurt as a funny guy with a polished sound
26:09: In Utero, the harsh response to Nevermind
36:18: In Utero as Kurt's final word
39:56: Despite our earlier remarks, we rank Nevermind and In Utero
49:06: Credits

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