Overnight DJ Mike Ramos shares some songs that have been in his headphones lately, from a dirty-south tinged track that’s an early contender for “Song of the Summer” to a chiptune jam named for an early virtual pet.
Overnight DJ Mike Ramos shares some songs that have been in his headphones lately, from a dirty-south-tinged track that’s an early contender for “Song of the Summer” to a chiptune jam named for an early virtual pet. Plus, KEXP Music Director Chris Sanley shares her own “Song of the Summer,” a standout release recently added to KEXP’s rotation.
1. Tommy Richman - "MILLION DOLLAR BABY"
2. Seiji Oda - "A Gentle Gigg"
3. Young Miko - "tamagotchi"
4. Nia Archives - "Forbidden Feelingz"
5. Fcukers - "Bon Bon"
Listen to the full songs on KEXP's "In Our Headphones 2024" playlist on Spotify, or listen below.
Listen to Mechanical Breakdown with Sharlese, every Friday night (Saturday morning) from 1-3 AM PT, or anytime on the two-week archive, at KEXP.org, or the KEXP App.
Hosted and produced by: Janice Headley and Isabel Khalili
Mixed by: Emily Fox
Editorial Director: Larry Mizell Jr.
Our theme music is “好吗 (Hao Ma)” by Chinese American Bear
Support the podcast: kexp.org/headphones
Contact us at headphones@kexp.org