photo by Dave Lichterman (view set)
KEXP asks musicians, "Old or new — what is your favorite song RIGHT NOW?"
Samuel T. Herring: "There's this guy, he used to go by the name of Sach. He was a member of The Nonce, which was an early '90s hip-hop group. They were only able to put out one album. Then he was a member of the crew Global Phlowtations Artist Committee — that was in the mid '90s, probably '96 to '99. Chali 2NA was a brief member, and Myka 9 from Freestyle Fellowship, but also Adlib — who is Thavius Beck, an electronic musician.Anyway, Sach just put out five albums at the beginning of this year. He's going by the name Sachillpages now, and he's got his stuff on Bandcamp. And it's a song called "Impress" off his album Happy Verse Day. The first line is, 'I hold the pen of blossoming,' and I just love that. It's also introduced by his son, Junior Sach. He's like, 'What's up, Junior Sach?' and he's like, 'Hey Dad, why don't you bust some of those impressionistic raps.' And then he just goes into this beautiful verse.That's the song that I keep playing for people and bringing up. He's a guy that I've loved for many years — it's been about five or six years since he put anything out. And he's an early '90s vet. He's been around forever. So, it was like, 'I hope he's not done,' and then he comes out with five albums in January. I don't think a lot of people know about it, but he's a living legend."
Future Islands' fourth album, Singles, is out now on 4AD Records. Watch their KEXP in-studio session here.
We caught up with Nila K Leigh and Sam Ford of Goodbye Heart to converse about some new projects, gain a little insight into the band's history and, of course, discuss their fascination with Tina Turner. The Seattle-based synth-pop duo just recorded an album, Restless Nights, with Shawn Simmons at …