Review Revue: Edward Ka-Spel - AaΔzhyd China Doll

Review Revue
Levi Fuller

I think I've found, in Ed Ka-Spel (and his band Legendary Pink Dots), an artist who could go up against Peter Hammill in terms of voluminous artistic output and lasting influence. Yet again I find myself faced with an insanely daunting discography and biography, and a raft of adoring comments (and, of course, a few less-than-adoring ones) by KCMU DJs, and I don't even know where to begin. (And I don't know why I didn't begin back in 2009, when I posted about the LPD.) I am certainly intrigued by this, Ka-Spel's fourth solo album (and fourth of five to contain the words "China Doll" in the title), so perhaps I'll start here. Otherwise I guess I might just head over to the Legendary Pink Dots Bandcamp page, which hosts all of his and their music from 1981 into the future, and perhaps never find my way out.It looks like Ka-Spel and the Dots may be hitting the road this fall! Watch that space for details.

"Ed Ka-Spel's latest, part 1 of the AaΔzhyd trilogy. Appropriately he's called this one AaΔzhyd China Doll. 1-1 is a red dot, too bad it's brilliant. 1-2 is a reworking of the Lovers, Pt. 2. Still great. 1-3 is Qa'Spell, the same as Ka-Spel. H for side 1 alone!"

"Maggi (the Gift of)? Well Tim I agree. This is definite H material."

"Now this definitely makes up for the last below-par Pink Dots records. Just excellent."

"Why should I say anything? I know it's great. You know I'll say so. Ed returns from the dancefloor. 'Awesome,' wow, great."

"Great gobs of feeling."

"This man never ceases to amaze."

"Wot's the big deal here? Between this and Wire (which I only 'kinda' like), I just don't understand all the fuss."

"Sorry there's no ride cymbal, Mark."

"Yes Dan, he does have a great sense of humor!"

"It is humanly impossible not to think Ed or Wire are minor gods. You're not human, Mr. Wacky."

"Ride cymbal? Is that how you think I judge a record? Well, I must say, this re-cord is only marginally interesting, god or no god. Call me inhuman, call me uncultured, call me Ishmayel."

"Nope. You're stuck with 'wacky.'"

"New age claptrap."

"Don't you people realize: I play the role of devil's advocate around here. More Damned!!"

"You're so wacky!"

"Am not!"

"Ed Ka-Gooch!"

"New age claptrap? That's the best you've ever done!!"

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