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Sasquatch Live Reviews

Sasquatch 2014, Day 3: Bob Mould

Even though he's not on a proper tour at the moment, Bob Mould (and his partners in crime drummer Jon Wurster and bassist Jason Narducy) can pump out a set of punk rock seemingly on a moment's notice. Right as Mould's set at Sasquatch was starting, black sheets of rain started to drizzle down, but …

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Sasquatch Live Reviews

Sasquatch 2014, Day 3: tUnE-yArDs

"Don't tell any other festivals, but this miiiiiight be my favorite festival." That's how Merrill Garbus began her campaign to win over the Gorge on Sunday afternoon at Sasquatch, and it certainly worked. tUnE-yArDs' live show has always demanded a participatory audience, if only to dance to Garbus…

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Sasquatch Live Reviews

Sasquatch 2014, Day 3: John Grant

Although he's spent the last few months contributing as a vocalist to Hercules and Love Affair, John Grant returned to his day job on Sunday afternoon, performing a stark set of wistful tunes from his two solo albums. At first glance, the massive Sasquatch stage at 1 p.m. on a sunny afternoon isn't…

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Sasquatch Live Reviews

Sasquatch 2014, Day 2: M.I.A., Violent Femmes, Cut Copy and More

Saturday has turned out to be a spectacularly sunny day at the Gorge - not a rain cloud all day long! The line up Saturday of Sasquatch was absolutely stacked (as are the other 2 days, of course). But Saturday was chalk full of bands that lots of different people were excited about, bands from Seat…

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Sasquatch Live Reviews

Sasquatch 2014, Day 2: The National

For a moment there, it looked like The National's headlining set at Sasquatch – one of the band's biggest shows to date – was going to be underwhelming. For the first twenty minutes, the band felt too mellow, and frontman Matt Berninger, disinterested. And then, after "Don't Swallow The Cap", a swi…

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Sasquatch Live Reviews

Sasquatch 2014, Day 2: Washed Out

Whatever "chillwave" as a genre tag was, it's dead. However, its two biggest names, Toro Y Moi and Washed Out, have both (maybe coincedentally) evolved into something a little less ephemeral: electronic-savvy, funk machines. As he's gained more prominence, Ernest Greene's initially bedroom-sized pr…

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Sasquatch Local Music Live Reviews

Sasquatch 2014, Day 2: Neko Case

"I'm Neko Case, and I'm from Tacoma, Washington," an atypically curt Neko Case remarked halfway through her Saturday evening set at Sasquatch. "And now I've gotten the pandering out of the way." Also claiming ties to Vancouver and Seattle, Case has been a Pacific Northwestern staple for a while, so…

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Sasquatch Live Reviews

Sasquatch 2014, Day 2: Cloud Control

There is no group of people more passionate at festivals than Australians. Ineffably, Aussie bands and fans always give notable performances and serve as fervent audience members, which is why Cloud Control felt like they were playing the steps of the Sydney Opera House instead of the much-smaller …

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Sasquatch Local Music Live Reviews

Sasquatch 2014, Day 2: Chastity Belt

With a name like Chastity Belt, there has to be an amount of self-awareness with your music, and the Seattle quartet definitely have it. However, that doesn't mean self-seriousness, which is what Gretchen Grimm, Lydia Lund, Julia Shapiro, and Annie Truscott definitely don't have. Some of the Sasqua…

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From the Archives:


Sub Pop 30th Anniversary Count-Up

In 2018, KEXP celebrated the 30th anniversary of local record label Sub Pop with a four-month retrospective, "counting up" every catalog number in their vast discography of over 1,200 releases. Dig into the archives of our catalog coverage, featuring in-depth coverage on the history of their releases.
